At Worldshine, our Independence Day celebration was an unforgettable experience, filled with music performances, activities, and the joy of watching fireworks. Worldshine also understands the impact of music, in which the staff at Worldshine organized a series of...
Our participants at Worldshine have been feeling artistic by making 4th of July decorations through our arts and crafts program! Let’s check out some of the decorations that were made! We can see our participants hard at work...
Music therapy is a powerful tool in promoting physical, mental, and emotional wellness among our elderly. Worldshine Adult Medical Day Care Center understands the importance of music and offers a variety of music therapy classes led by the one...
We were honored to welcome Frederick County Executive Jessica Fitzwater to our Frederick center yesterday during Alzheimer and Dementia Awareness Month. Her visit was incredibly meaningful to our participants and staff, and we want to express our sincere appreciation for her...
Tai Chi is very popular among our physical health and exercise activities at our Worldshine Frederick Center. Tai Chi consists of many specific movements in its form that take time to master, but they are not very difficult to...
Today we can see our participants at Worldshine AMDC transform simple wooden birdhouses into beautiful works of art! This fun activity is part of the many arts and crafts options offered here in our Worldshine centers, and our participants...
At WorldShine, we are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring an excellent experience for our clients, which is why we are thrilled to introduce our new self-service kiosk system. This system allows participants to effortlessly scan...
Recently, we have held interesting small activities, and everyone has gained a lot from the needlework and weaving activities. Our activities can bring so many benefits; Embracing Creativity: Needlework, such as knitting and crocheting, provides a creative outlet for...
Ever wonder how much fun you could have with pool noodles and yoga balls? Then you are at the right place. Join us for some fantastic, whimsical, intriguing fun all while getting a good nice low-impact workout. Join a...
Introducing CRAZY HAIR DAY! Are you ready to let your hair down and have some fun? Well, you’re in luck because it’s crazy hair day at our center! For those who aren’t familiar with this epic day, crazy hair...