Lunar New Year’s Celebration

The lively lunar new year started with the host’s commentary and blessings. More than a hundred participants at Worldshine gathered together to celebrate this wonderful festival.


After careful preparation and rehearsal, the participants performed traditional musical instruments at the party. These instruments include erhu, dulcimer, etc. Although there are many instruments, the music played is very harmonious and beautiful, which shows how much effort the participants put in.


Dancing is also an integral part of the party! Participants put on brightly colored dance costumes and danced traditional classical dances and folk dances. The fans and handkerchiefs held in the hands were dance props, and the handkerchiefs turned like flowers.



The employees of Worldshine lead the participants to make delicious dumplings by themselves. From chopping vegetables, preparing fillings, rolling out dumpling wrappers, to cooking dumplings, every step is taken care of by the participants. The participants were also happy and satisfied eating the dumplings made by themselves.


The management team has prepared a special festive meal for everyone. It not only has traditional delicacies with good meanings, but also takes into account nutritional and health factors. The meals are delicious, delicious and arouse the appetite of the participants.

All the staff of the center and the participants spent a happy and peaceful Lunar New Year!