It is a beautiful summer day! Our participants visited the Washington DC Temple located in South Kensington, Maryland. Our staff did a wonderful job to make this trip safe, exciting, and pleasant for our participants. We sure had a...
Summer is here, and with that comes beautiful sunny days. Our lovely participants at Beltsville center are enjoying the weather by doing some gardening! Gardening can provide many benefits outside of growing your own nutritious plants and beautiful...
Worldshine kitchen made a very delicious mooncake! Our participants and staffs love this mooncake, it tastes great, and it has a very good meaning – 花好月圆 blooming flowers and full moon – a perfect dessert for the Mid-Autumn Day!...
Sep 12th 2021 is the 100th birthday of our loving participant - Hu Yonju! We prepared a surprising birthday party at her apartment. What an amazing day with love and laugh! Dear Hu, Happy 100th birthday. Bravo! You've made...
Worldshine provides the baking class to teach our loving participants how to bake mooncakes. They had so much fun!
Art therapy uses the creative arts to help people cope with mental and physical stress through understanding, management, and expression. At Worldshine, our Art therapists guide seniors using different art forms to address health imbalance by using expression and...